Why Every Nurse Should Know About BLS and CPR

Nursing isn’t just another profession that clocks in from 9-5; nurses have some of the most difficult tasks ahead of them considering that they play an important role in saving lives. It’s a given that nurses are skilled in various aspects in the field of health care. Although their education teaches them all of theContinue reading “Why Every Nurse Should Know About BLS and CPR”

CPR Certification or BLS certification – How do you choose the Ideal CPR Class

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is one of the most important emergency medical measures that you can systematically learn without a lot of experience or prior medical knowledge. Although it might seem simple to do, it has the capacity to save a lot of lives especially during times of emergency when no one else can help. CPRContinue reading “CPR Certification or BLS certification – How do you choose the Ideal CPR Class”

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