There’s no telling what could happen in the future. One minute, you and your colleagues are in a meeting and suddenly, someone’s on the floor, having a heart attack. The Centers for Disease and Prevention Control has said that about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack every year. Out of that figure, about 525,000 peopleContinue reading “3 REASONS YOU NEED BLS TRAINING”

The Importance of Taking BLS Training

What is a BLS Certification?  Basic Life Support (BLS) training is a must-have first-aid resuscitation in emergencies until professional medical help arrives. The BLS technique is useful when a person suffers from health issues like drowning, choking, feels unconscious, or encounters cardiac arrest. Taking BLS training helps in providing first-aid care to victims during emergenciesContinue reading “The Importance of Taking BLS Training”

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